Getting started with and Optimising Google My Business | Easiest way to increase SEO

Getting started with and Optimising Google My Business | Easiest way to increase SEO

Google My Business, is Google's online business directory. However it isn't well understood by business owners (most likely because directories are dead, except Google's). Being under appreciated has led Google My Business to become a powerful tool for organisations. It can increase the amount of views your website gets and increase your revenue.

However, optimising your listing on Google My Business is still misunderstood. Here are 3 things that Google looks for when evaluating your listing. Plus how to use these 3 tips to improve your SEO.

1) Post blog updates. Write short articles about your industry. This shows Google that you're an active organisation, and worth promoting in their search engine.

2) Get reviews. A single review shows Google that you're a valuable organisation. Once again evidence that they should promote your listing in their search engine and improve your SEO.

Adlab is an Adelaide graphic design agency, that has excellent ratings on Google My Business.

3) Post photos and videos of your work. This acts as a casual portfolio, it also gives viewers something to look at. Which Google loves to show.

Hope you found this valuable.

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