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How to start an Ecommerce Business | 6 Actionable Steps

How are you going guys? In this video I'm going to run you through how to build and launch a successful Ecommerce Business. This video is going to focus on actionable steps you can take to actually generate sales when launching your ecommerce business. In the first week of launching my Ecommerce website, I did $1000 in sales.

I go over the 6 steps for you to achieve the same thing!

1. Decide on what your ecommerce business is going to sell. I believe ecommerce can be applied to most industries. Choose an industry you're passionate about. But try to avoid industries where it's over saturated, like clothing and electronics.

2. Build a great looking ecommerce website. This bit can be challenging, but is arguably the hardest step. So have some persistence. I used Shopify, and I love it. But other platforms like Squarespace can work well too.

3. Setup some basic SEO. This is super important for getting your ecommerce business found on the internet. I recommend mastering page titles and page meta descriptions. Then setup Google Search Console, and you're pretty much good to go!

4. Get your social media up and running. Make sure to choose platforms which suit your business. Invite your friends and family to like your business on these platforms (THIS IS IMPORTANT).

5. Create a discount for your friends and family. I think 10-20% is a reasonable discount to offer your friends and family. The idea here is, that we want to drive sales quickly, giving you some cash flow.

6. Finally, launch your ecommerce website, and share your discount code on your social media channels so all your friends and family can use the discount code.

I hope this video gave you some actionable advice about how you can start an ecommerce business. Thanks for watching guys!