How to Preview Facebook Ad on your Phone

How to Preview Facebook Ad on your Phone

Most marketers set and forget.

They create a campaign, and let it run for 2 weeks, then check the results.

Most marketers forget to actually interact with their ads, and see what it feels like/

By interacting with your Facebook Ad on your phone, you get a true understanding, of what it feels like to be advertised at.

This tutorial shows you, how to preview your Facebook Ad, on your personal phone.

Step 1.

Select your Facebook Ad, inside Ads Manager.

previewing Facebook Ad on phone

Step 2.

Edit the ad, by selecting the more option (this is the three dots in a row button).

previewing Facebook Ad on Iphone

Step 3.
Select Preview, and choose, send notification to Facebook. This will send a notification to the Facebook app installed on your phone.

send notification to device

Step 4.

Open your Facebook Ad, and select your notification. This will give you a preview of the Facebook Ad on your phone.

previewing Facebook Ad on mobile device

This video, shows how I preview one of my Facebook Ads.

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