How to run a Zoom Webinar

How to run a Zoom Webinar

Zoom is a powerful online meeting software, that has grown rapidly in popularity over the last couple of years.

Because of this, Zoom is now a popular place to host & run webinars.

I've been using Zoom to host webinars for the last 2 years & I wanted to share with you my experience & advice for how I run webinars using Zoom.

hosting a webinar with Zoom

Hosting a webinar with Zoom.

Why Host your Webinars on Zoom?

Zoom is perfect for hosting webinars, because everyone knows how to use it!

I highly recommend using Zoom for your webinars if you're hosting a small audience.

Ideally not much larger than 30 people. Zoom has limitations with large scale crowd control, it's predominately used for small scale meetings.

I find Zoom works best for webinars of about 15-20 people.

Zoom webinar tutorial

Keep your Zoom webinars small, because the software isn’t designed for large webinars.

Steps for Hosting a Webinar on Zoom

Preparation is key for your Zoom webinar, so make sure everything is setup correctly & that you’ve practised how to use Zoom.

1. Schedule your Zoom Webinar

You want to create a new scheduled Zoom meeting.

2. Select your Webinar Settings

You want to make sure that you select the appropiate Zoom settings for your webinar.

These are the settings I use & recommend.

The great things about these settings are, you can control when you let people into the webinar.

You can adjust these settings depending on your requirements.

3. Practise using Zoom

Make sure you get lots of practise using Zoom. It’s important you know how to:

  • Let people into the Zoom webinar

  • Screen share

  • Mute & unmute people

  • Monitoring if people drop out of the webinar

Although it sounds silly to practise these things, they actually become quite hard to do when you’re focusing on giving a presentation.

Summary on Running a Zoom Webinar

If you’re serious about running webinars on Zoom, I recommend you invest in a paid Zoom plan.

They’re actually really good value & you’ll be sure to make your money back in no time.

I filmed a tutorial about how to run a Zoom meeting here.

Quick Tips for Zoom Webinars

  1. Have your “chat” window open during your webinar. This way, when you’re talking people can type questions into the chat.

    People often feel more comfortable doing this than, speaking up in the presentation.

  2. Have your “participants” window open during the webinar.

    There is a chance during your webinar, that some participants will drop out. You will need to admit them back in - having this window open will make this easier.

  3. Practise your Zoom technical skills. Get used to sharing your screen, typing in the group chat, adding people, muting people & all these other tools.

    Presenting your webinar is almost the easy part, get used to using these Zoom skills.

Tips for a Zoom Webinar

How to get Participants for your Zoom Webinar

If you’re thinking about hosting a Zoom webinar, then you most likely will need to find participants for your webinar.

Facebook Events

One great free place to share your webinar, is on Facebook.

Take advantage of Facebook Events to promote your webinar. Facebook will actually share your event for free, because it’s always looking to promote new content.

Use Facebook events to promote your Zoom Webinar.

Facebook Ads

If using the free Facebook Events didn’t work - you can invest some money in Facebook Ads.

They’re a great way of reaching people & convincing them to sign up for your webinar.

I filmed a great video tutorial on Facebook Ads for beginners.

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