Facebook Ads for Construction Companies, Contractors & Home Builders

Facebook Ads for Construction Companies, Contractors & Home Builders

Part of the struggle of running any business is customer acquisition. Getting steady and regular customers can be challenging for any business, and the construction industry is no different. Marketing your construction company is a big task, and there are many options to choose from. Facebook Ads are a great place to start for your construction company. You can simply setup a few high performing Facebook Ads, and let the customers roll in. This type of advertising is great, because you can simply set and forget.

The video we produced below, is an in-depth tutorial on how to setup your first Facebook advertising campaign. It teaches you how to do all the difficult and technical backend, that goes into a Facebook Ad.

How to setup Facebook Ads for Construction Companies, Contractors & Home Builders.

Why use Facebook Ads?

There are several reasons why Facebook Ads are super effective for generating new leads.

The first is the targeting options available in Facebook Ads Manager. You can create custom audiences in the Ads Manager. This allows you to target characteristics like, age, location, gender, demographics, behaviours and interests. This means we can choose to show your ad to people who are most likely interested in your services.

Facebook Advertising for Construction Companies

In this example, we targeted 30+ year olds, both genders, who lived in Adelaide and were interested in Home Construction (we were setting up an Ad for a home construction business). Facebook then told us, that we had a potential audience size of 52 000 people who we can show our ad to.

The second reason Facebook Ads are so powerful is that you can create a highly customisable ad. Facebook gives you several options for manipulating the text, and the imagery so that you can build an attention grabbing ad.

What makes a great Facebook Ad?

Facebook lets you make all sorts of ads, from videos to still images. This can be a problem sometimes, because it gives people too many options.

In my opinion to get the most out of the Facebook Ad for your construction company…

Keep it simple.

Let me explain this in more depth.

3 tips for a great Facebook Ad.

  1. Make sure your opening sentence, identifies and qualifies your target audience. In this example, for a home construction company. We could use the opening sentence “Are you thinking about building your own home?”.

  2. Don’t overload your ad with too much information. Facebook isn’t the place where people consume in-depth information. You want to send people to your website, where you can give them in-depth information.

  3. Make sure the image or video you use, is attention grabbing, without being ridiculous. No one will see your advertisement if you use a boring image. But no one will take you seriously if you use a ridiculous image.

Lead Generation for Construction Companies

I recommend 4 strategies that every construction company needs to be doing. These are the essentials, like a strong walls for a house, these are the basics of good marketing.

I recommend you invest time & resources in:

  1. Google My Business

  2. Facebook/Instagram Advertising

  3. Your Website

  4. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

These are the core bedrock that will help your business be found & generate leads. I filmed a video about these topics, if you want to learn m.re

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