How to Hire a Software Developer for your App, Idea or Startup

How to Hire a Software Developer for your App, Idea or Startup

Do you have a great software idea that you want to bring to life? You will need to find a software developer to help you out. In this video I teach you how to find a Software Developer for your App, Idea or Startup.

Prototype your App or Idea

The first thing you need to consider, before you start approaching software developers is, does your app or software have a prototype.

A prototype is a great idea, because it can help explain to developers what you would like the software to do. Especially since everyone is working remotely, a prototype can be useful for explaining.

How to create a Software Prototype

Now, once you have a prototype setup, you can start reaching out to software developers. If you don’t know how to create a prototype, I recorded a tutorial for that too.

Hire on a Marketplace

I recommend you use Upwork. It's a free platform that connects freelancers with people seeking work.

Once you create an advertisement on the platform, you can invite software developers to apply for the job.

My biggest tip is, write a descriptive & informative title. This helps stop you getting unqualified applicants for your listing.

I hope you guys enjoyed this video.

Cheers, Luke,

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