How to Advertise on Quora

How to Advertise on Quora

Quora is a powerful online platform, where you can ask and answer questions. With 400 million monthly active users, Quora is a great place for advertisers to reach their target audience.

In this video tutorial, I walk you through quickly and easily how to setup your first Quora ad. This video is perfect for beginners and those who have never used Quora ads before. Quora is an extremely powerful advertising platform, because the users have a high intent. What this means is, that people are searching for an answer to their question. And this provides an excellent opportunity to position your brand in a way, which solves the users problem. As opposed to platforms like Facebook where the user doesn't have any intent, and is happy just scrolling.

This is what makes Quora such an exciting platform for advertising!

If you need professional help with advertising on Quora, we can help!

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