How to Join a Telegram Channel

How to Join a Telegram Channel

Hello guys! In this tutorial I am going to share with you how to join a Telegram channel!

Now this is something I actually struggled with when I first got involved with Telegram, so I figured I better make a tutorial about it.

What to Know Before Joining a Telegram Channel

Now before you go racing off trying to join lots of exciting Telegram channels. There is one important thing you need to know.

There is no official list of Telegram channels. Which is unlike platforms like Youtube, Instagram & Facebook - all which house their own channels.

Telegram channels are instead housed on private marketplaces, where you can search to find a Telegram channel you want to join.

I recommend searching “Telegram Channels” into Google & you will receive a heap of directories full of Telegram channels.

A couple of popular platforms include:

Joining a Telegram Channel

Now with that out the way, we should be set for explaining how to join a Telegram channel.

1. Find a Telegram Channel marketplace

As I mentioned previously, the first thing you need to do is find a Telegram channel marketplace. There are about 3 or 4 major platforms out there.

Google Telegram Channels & most of them will come up.

Telegram channel marketplace

This is a popular Telegram Channel Marketplace.

2. Find a Telegram Channel

Now once you’re in your favourite Telegram channel marketplace, you can sort through and find your ideal channels to join.

3. Join a Telegram Channel

Once you’ve found your Telegram channels, it’s as simple as hitting join - they will redirect you back to the official app where you can join.

How to Join a Telegram Channel

How to Join a Telegram Channel.

Joining a Telegram Channel Summary

If you’re still struggling and need a visual demonstration, I filmed this tutorial on how to join a Telegram Channel. Give it a watch!

Advertising on Telegram Channels

When you join Telegram, you will notice there is no dedicated advertising system like we see on Facebook & Instagram.

However, there is still unofficial (but professional) Telegram Ad platforms out there you can use.

My favourite is - it’s a gorgeous platform that will connect you with channels that are willing to advertise for you.

Advertising on Telegram
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