Recruiting Participants for Research & Clinical Trials with Facebook Advertising

Recruiting Participants for Research & Clinical Trials with Facebook Advertising

Recruiting participants for research or clinical trials is becoming increasingly more difficult as people become busier. This has become a headache for researchers as they look for effective ways to recruit participants for their trials. In this tutorial, I go over how researchers and clinical trials can use Facebook and Social Media Advertising to recruit participants for their research.

Why use Facebook Advertising?

Facebook Advertising is a great option for reaching people, because Facebook has a massive and diverse audience. Their advertising system also allows us to reach select demographics, psychographics and geographical groups of people. This means you can choose to target the people you need.

I use the example of targeting young adults in Adelaide, for this video. But you should be customising your targeting to suit your specific criteria.

I’ve also created short information videos about other aspects of digital marketing for Clinical Trials organisations. Check them out below.

Websites for Clinical Trials

Social Media for Clinical Trials

Email Marketing for Clinical Trials:

Content Marketing for Clinical Trials

Google My Business for Clinical Trials

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